Sunday, April 10, 2011

Someday I will be a cat lady...

And I'm okay with that. 

Also, I have been thinking of getting a Polaroid camera! 
I use to have one of the really old ones and I was obsessed. Now I just turn all of my pictures into polaroids on Photoshop. I just love how it's instant and captures the moment right there. Plus I feel like I need one now for my camera collection. 


  1. I think the film is really expensive for the Polaroids...I just found one at my boyfriends mother's house a little while ago and was having some fun with it. I think you're just as good with the Photoshop effect, but I understand how fun it is to play with new cameras! I busted out my little cheapy fisheye that I got from Urban Outfitters a few years ago...I forgot how antsy you get before you finish off a roll of film to go develop it! Hahaha On a side note, do you know anyone who works on 35mm cams? I need someone to assess my broken cam that I dropped on pavement :( it was a sad day...

  2. Yeah that's why I gave up my old Polaroid for normal cameras is getting expensive and disappearing too. Really stinks!! Urban Outfitters always has sweet cameras like that. I am always so tempted to buy one but never know if it's worth it. How did your pictures come out with the fisheye??

    The only place I know of that might help you out for your camera would be Ritz camera. There use to be one in the Crystal Mall but now I'm not sure where any are..I know of quite a few photography stores but so many won't even touch cameras. I'll keep looking for places and will let you know !! :)
