Friday, March 11, 2011

Photoshop Tutorials- Poster Designs

In my Graphics Design class this week, we focused on using Photoshop to recreate various poster tutorials.

Photoshop Poster Tutorials

It is amazing how much you can do with Photoshop! I still consider myself an amateur with this program and by doing some of this tutorials I learned about new tools. There are so many websites that provide you with free brushes which can really alter the way your final piece looks likes. I decided to recreate the "Vintage Collage Design." Since I was just trying this out, I used images I found on Flickr in the Creative Commons section. The tutorial created a piece that was suppose to look like the woman was getting abducted by aliens.

I took a different approach and made my vintage collage feature a singer, the spotlight on her, and a nice crowd of gentlemen watching the performances.

Here's what I created:

I want to try some of the other tutorials. They are actually a lot of fun and the final product is pretty awesome. My goal is to eventually create an image I can use for this blog.

1 comment:

  1. That is so neat! I love collage and mixed media. And you're right, it is truly amazing what you can create with Photoshop! I'm definitely going to have to try this tutorial out, it seems like you will NEVER know everything about that program!

